Crime Desk
The Yolo County Sheriff’s Office Crime Desk is responsible for maintaining all crime reports generated by Sheriff Deputies and Animal Service Officers. If you are looking for a crime report related to an incident occurring within the Sheriff’s jurisdiction, you will need to submit a request in writing. It is the policy of the Yolo County Sheriff’s Office to provide crime information pursuant to state and federal laws. You can only receive a copy of a crime report if you are an authorized person, such as; the victim, the victim’s representative, or as provided in Section 7923.610 of the Government Code.
One Records Specialist manages the Crime Desk Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. This specialist is responsible for preparing reports and submitting them to the District Attorney’s Office, receiving and processing both adult and juvenile citations and preparing monthly crime statistics reported to the Department of Justice. Crime statistics can be located on the Sheriff’s website under the link, Outreach/Crime STATS. If you have any questions regarding a crime report or citation, please contact the specialist at (530) 668-5243.
Crime Report Request Instructions:
You may click here to download a Crime Report Request Form or you may submit your request in a letter format. In order to conduct a thorough search of our records and process a report request, you must provide as much information as possible. Such as; report number, date/time of incident or date/time reported, location of incident, type of incident, and names of parties involved. Illegible or missing information may result in an incorrect or incomplete response. Please type or print clearly in blue or black ink. The Yolo County Sheriff’s Office will provide a response to all request according to state and federal laws. Please allow up to 10 days to process your request, unless otherwise notified. If you have a deadline to meet, please allow adequate time for processing.
Agency Business Hours:
The Crime Desk is part of the Records Section located at the Monroe Detention Center, 140A Tony Diaz Drive, Woodland, CA, 95776. The Records Section is open to the public seven days a week from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm and able to accept a report request during these hours. However, the crime desk is only available to respond to these requests Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
How can I request a report if I am out of state or unable to make the request in person?
You may access our request form on our website and mail it to 140A Tony Diaz Drive, Woodland, CA 95776. If you are unable to print the request form, you may submit your request in letter format. You will need to provide a copy of your state-issued driver’s license or I.D. You may also include the $15.00 fee with your request. If a report is not located or not releasable at the time, your payment will be returned. If we do not receive a form of payment with your request, we will contact you once the report is ready and request payment before releasing the report.
How much will I be charged for my request?
Our office charges a $15.00 fee per copy of report, with additional fees for a report exceeding twenty pages. We accept cash or check made payable to the Yolo County Sheriff’s Office. Debit and credit cards will not be accepted.
Attention Government Agencies:
Please do not use the Crime Report Request Form. All government agency requests must be submitted on agency letterhead. Requests may be mailed to 140A Tony Diaz Drive, Woodland, CA 95776, faxed to (530) 662-1522, or emailed to . Please include all necessary information to complete your request, as well as the reason for your request.